Company’s history

Our story began in 1992, when we followed the 60-year tradition of development and production of valves in Opava, connected with the SIGMA Group and Minerva.

2022 Expanding the product portfolio of valves for nuclear power plants
2019 Delivery of valves for 3-4 units in Kudankulam NPP (India)
2016 – 2018 Confirmation of contracts for the supply of valves for project Akkuyu NPP, Paks NPP, El Dabaa NPP
2010 – 2016 Delivery of valves for 3-4 units in Mochovce NPP (Slovakia)
2010 – 2013 Extensive modernization of production facilities
2010 Completion of development and commencement of production Forged Gate Valve S43
2008 Completion of development and commencement od production Blow-Out and Pickling Device
2007 ARAKO becomes part of the group MACHINE BUILDING LLC, Mechanical Engineering Division State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom
2006 Completion of development and commencement of production High-Pressure Shut-Off Globe Valve V46.2
2005 – 2008 Delivery of valves for 1-2 units in Kudankulam NPP (India)
2003 Completion of development and commencement of production Pneumatic Control Valve Y70
1998 Adoption of a new production program in Germany, including a prototype of the product – Gate Valve S38
1997 Construction of a new production and storage hall
1992 Foundation of ARAKO spol. s r.o.
1980 The company is incorporated into the VHJ SIGMA concern
1976 Development and production of first valves for nuclear industry
1953 Beginning production of industrial valves
1945 Minerva Opava, sewing machine factory – predecessor of ARAKO