Safety culture as an integral part of a successful company

Monday, 20 february 2023

Does Safety Culture mean anything to you? It does to us, and we know how important it is in our company and what it is part of. We know that Safety Culture is a specific type of corporate culture. For organizations with nuclear facilities, safety culture is a dominant aspect of corporate culture and it focuses on identifying and then eliminating undesirable behaviors, including their causes, from the perspective of the individual, management and the organization as a whole.

How do we work with it?

Our company periodically conducts Safety Culture Surveys, which allow us to define strengths and weaknesses in each area. In February 2023, we all met together for a joint training session on this topic, where we recalled and discussed all our established principles and methods together. We used illustrative examples, pictures and videos to show their importance and relevance for our entire ARAKO company.